Wednesday, February 24, 2010


In the edits cave working on edits for my upcoming Tapestries book. See you when I'm done. :-)


Charlene Teglia said...

Whee, more Tapestries! Edit, NJ, edit.

Unknown said...

I love Tapestries so YAY! And I want to thank you so much for talking on my blog. For me, having you my absolute writing hero was the thrill of a lifetime. I had so much fun and it meant so much to me. Thank you a thousand, no a million times over.

N.J.Walters said...

Edits are done and have gone back to my editor, Charli. YAY!

N.J.Walters said...

It was my absolute pleasure to be a guest interview on your blog, Kat. I had a lot of fun too. :-)

Thanks so much for asking me.